
Showing posts from June 5, 2019


Good Day to all my Readers, Today as I sit here thinking about my life and the events that have taken place,I reflect on the lies that have been told to me by many and also the flagrant disregard that I am a person and I do have feelings. The one that has never lied to me or disregarded my feelings was the Lord himself. Truth be told all the lies that were told he spoke against and spoke the truth to me from the beginning on what to expect. Listen always have an open relationship with the Lord, why because when the truth is what you seek he will give you just that in your pray time and even speak not in prayer time. Trust the Lord and trust what he says to you. Truth will always come from the Lord even when you don't want to receive it but, he can't and will not lie. John 8:32 “ And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. ”  King James Version (KJV) Believe these things that I say to you in this publication of this Blog. Anything that you wan