Stranger Danger

Stranger Danger

Many in the body of Christ have become increasingly vulnerable to the deceptions of the voice of the enemy. Listening to God’s voice becomes a real challenge due to ungodly chatter . Tragically, some people begin to doubt God’s word and the truth He teaches from His Word.
The Lord will allow us to see the origin of this problem Ask yourself the question? 
Why did Eve ever indulge in listening to the serpent’s deceptive words?
Why didn’t she recognize that this was the voice of the stranger?

 She seemed so easily swayed by the enemy’s lies.
Why was Eve so easily enticed?
I believe that even though Eve knew truth, she wasn’t firmly grounded in truth. She knew what God “said” but never fully grasped Who He was—in Agape love and in sovereignty . She didn’t understand He would never hold back any good thing from her.

Psalms 84:11KJV

For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.

Before eating the forbidden fruit, she was unaware of evil, unaware of lies, and unaware that she could be deceived into disobeying her Father.
But this is not true for us! We are not unaware! Praise God we have the Word of God as our truth guide, the HolyGhost (the Spirit of Truth) as our Counselor, and Christ Jesus as our Savior and truthful Advocate!
Yet, like Eve, we too get sucked into listening to the stranger’s lies. Why?
One reason is, too often, we actually entertain the enemy’s lies through our own “entertainment.” TV, Internet, movies, books, and magazines, and our phones yes our phones and lets not forget the tablets and iPads did I cover everything yes, which are most often quite void of God’s voice,  and have overtaken our societies. Nevertheless, we’ll spend unspeakable hours with these godless, lying voices while our minds and hearts are diluted, polluted, and malnourished of the living, active, and inspired Word of God!
We need to know our Shepherd! We need to be nourished with His green pastures who leadeth us beside the still waters he restoreth my soul Then he leadeth me in the path of righteousness for his name sake . We need to draw near to Him in order to follow His voice for his name Sake.
Ask the Father: Am I listening to other voices that are not from or of You?


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