We are The Church

Whatever happened to helping restore a brother or a sister that has fallen from  God's Grace into sin. It truly saddens me how we begin to give our opinion and gossip about the brother or sister. We begin to cast Judgement quote scripture to back up what we are saying and then add insult even more the injury have the ordasity to say it's the word.. Yes your absolutely right it's the word but the word also says in (John 8:1-8:59) YE without sin let him cast the first stone. We are not God and when we take scriptures to whip someone we have already forgotten
 (John 8:1-8:59). We are the church and because we take half of the 66 books of the Bible apply some and leave the rest. We must live the whole word of God without any excuses.

Listen I am far from being perfect but, I know how it feels to need some to understand but, also be honest with you about the situation even if they say I know I know  but, also show Agape Love unconditional Love what Jesus Christ showed the woman caught in adulterous state and the woman at the well. God is a God of Love and we must exemplify his Love in every complete way not to pick and choose

Final Thought :Love covers a multitude of sins. Do you LOVE or are you Judgmental.  Blessings


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