Bitterness of The Heart

Bitterness of The Heart

Bitterness toward God is a sure way to hinder hearing His voice with matters of your heart. Any-time bitterness tries to take hold of you, one should refuse it. Many times, the devil tries to make us think we are the only ones having a hard time. I don't mean to sound unsympathetic, but, no matter how bad our problems are, someone else always has a worse problem.

At one time in my life I was homeless and my family turned there back's on me I even had a family member to offer me money but wouldn't allow me to just stay in there home until I got back on my feet.. I even asked a close girlfriend to sleep on her floor and they also denied me I was so angry that I was  not even thinking about that the Lord was calling me to a intimate relationship with him what relationship... I just need a roof over my head a place to sleep .. I was so angry  and hurt that I didn't speak to the family member for quite awhile and the close girlfriend as well... Then one day the Lord spoke to me and said I separated you from what you are familiar with I was angry with GOD.. At first I couldn't believe what I heard then I heard it again.. My first reaction I  was angry  with the Lord and then he said I want relationship with you just like that... I started to weep deeply..

Bitterness was trying to take root in my  heart because my life had not turned out the way I wanted it to. I was homeless and no where to go. And truth be told it was all my fault not listening to GOD PUT ME IN THIS SITUATION. When you don't listen, we must realize that every person will make there own decisions that can truly cost them something in the long run . If you make a choice that causes you grief , because you didn't pray or consult God we shouldn't blame it on God and become bitter toward Him ask yourself where did I go wrong? But in reality we really don't think that way we just want to blame someone else except examining ourselves first. Even in the midst of your bitterness and anger God is still there waiting on you to humble ourselves before him and turn to him with our whole heart's

God's word for you today: If you get disappointed with family and friends , don't ever blame God. He is the best friend you will ever have he's always there . Blessings


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