Praying God's Prayers

Praying God's Prayers

I think one of the reasons we sometimes feel unfulfilled in prayer or sense that we are not "finished" praying about a matter is that we spend so much time just praying our prayers. But I tell you, there is a better, higher, more effective way: praying God's prayers. To be honest with you, if I am praying my prayer, I can pray about something for fifteen minutes and still feel unfinished; but if I am being led by the Holy Spirit and praying God's prayer, I can pray two sentences and feel completely satisfied.

I find that when I pray Spirit-led prayers, they are usually simpler and shorter than mine would be. They are direct, straightforward, and to the point. I feel satisfied that the task is complete when I pray God's way instead of my own way. When we pray our own way, we often focus on praying for carnal things and circumstances, but if we are led by God we will find ourselves praying for eternal things like the purity of our thoughts and motives and a deeper relationship with God. Ask God to teach you how to pray His prayers instead of your own and you will enjoy prayer much more.

God's word for you today: Pray God's prayers, not your prayers.

                1 Samuel 12:23 KJV

“Moreover as for me, God forbid that I should sin against the LORD in ceasing to pray for you: but I will teach you the good and the right way:”


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