Who Is Your Spiritual Advisor?

Who Is Your Spiritual Advisor?

God will often communicate His will and wisdom to you through other followers of Christ! I can’t even begin to count the times God has used another Christian to get a message through to my heart! I hear the Lord speak  through my pastors, a podcast, my friends, my children, a blogger, or someone that I just come into contact with . my Spiritual Advisory Board are as follows :God my spouse my Pastor and my parents and others that are true believers of Christ 
How about you? Do you seek out and listen openly to other believers you respect? Staying consistently connected with other Christians (especially those who are growing and grounded in God’s Word) is vital for your own personal faith journey.
Listening to them is not enough, though.You must pray unto the Lord for the final decision  Do you often apply or put into practice the advice or wisdom you’ve heard?
Be wise and remain involved in sound bi! Listen to your faith-family. We need them, and they need you. Today's reading from Proverbs 18:2 tells us frankly it’s a mistake to be a “know-it-all.”
Personally, I don’t want to play the fool. I need help. I need wisdom. I need to choose to remain humble and teachable so I can hear God’s direction, correction, and affection. I need my heart to remain humble and teachable—because God will often speak to us through His other children.
Ask the Father: Who needs to be on my Spiritual Board of Advisors?


  1. Amen and Amen we certainly need spiritual advisory board. God speaks his word to whomever will listen.


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